• Launching New Product Time to launch, time to market is a very crucial milestone for a new enterprise software product. No, it should not be done ASAP. There are some
  • Startup Specialist Becoming a startup specialist is not everybody’s game.  If you want an easy life with less work, limited responsibility, a startup is not your cup of tea. Working
  • role of indian parents in startup
    Role of Parents in Indian Startups At present, Indian culture and family have a strong role in deciding career moves of the young. I hope the situation gets better in
  • Why we need disruptive startups? I am a Start-up entrepreneur and have learned more pursuing my startup in the last 3 years than I did in the previous 30 years
  • Cashflows- When less is more! Funding is a crucial element for any company in the world. From large companies to startups, funding can make or break a company’s existence. Ironically,
  • Why High Internet Valuation misguides the Entrepreneur Focus Entrepreneurship is booming around the world. This decade will witness most start-up firms ever in the history of mankind. The balance of
  • How to Avoid a Kodak Moment for your Company Kodak Cameras History Kodak developed the first simple, consumer camera. For over a century following this, Eastman Kodak was the biggest
  • Demystifying the Blockchain Delusion Blockchain has been a major topic of discussion and media coverage in the last few years. It has been over-estimated as the magical wand that can
  • When to Give Up On a Startup: Evaluate “Return on time” Most entrepreneurs face several uphill challenges for years, before potentially transforming their startup into a sustainable business. And if
  • Why Startups Fail Build a product / service which is not required Many entrepreneurs feel that they want something, and everyone else will need it too. It needs a thorough
  • Due Diligence: A Perspective There’s a study done in 2007 by Angel Capital Association  on how due diligence affects the angel investment deals. The highlight: Angel investments in which at
  • 5 Reasons Why Angel Investment is Not Just About Money A high risk business with an even higher probability of no return is how a typical investor would define angel